Wednesday 19 December 2012

Early Planning & Storyboard - Alleyway

Cuts to Mid shot of Killer leaning on wall watching public walk past chosing his next victim.
Cuts to long shot of Killer's point of view, fast pans right to left observing people.
Zoom in on Woman, pan right following her walk into alleyway.
Cut to close up of Killer's face.
Cuts to camera central of alley. Static wide shot of Woman walking down alley. Camera tracks down alley following woman down alley, gives effect of Killer's point of view.
Killer runs into view of camera, grabs woman and drags her out of view. Camera continues to track down. Tricks audience - fake Point of view, not from Killer.
Camera continues to track down and pan left to reveal Killer stabbing Woman to death.
Cuts to mid shot of female Stalker watching Killer. Real point of view revealed.
Cuts to wide shot of alley way. Static, revels charcters positions.

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